21 Ways to be Happy

1. Be more playful.

When we can access our child self or our healthy inner child we open up to a different part of ourselves.

We get in touch with the part of us that is more free. Free from self criticism. Free from self doubt. Free from limitations. Did you know that young children age 6 and under live in a totally different brain wave pattern than we do? Yep! They run around in theta most of the time while we cruise around in beta. Being in theta helps them to access their creativity. Ever notice how little kids are the best at playing pretend and when they are pretending to be something they are fully being it? They are present in the moment and fully embodying play. Play increases the feel- good neurotransmitters. So Play!

2. Get enough sleep

And I’m talking about quality sleep here

The amount of sleep that each of us needs varies from 6-9 hours per night for most of us. I’m a solid 8-9 hours personally. I love my sleep! What is consistent across the board; however, is the quality of sleep that we all need. Sleep is meant to be restorative. That means that it is like the reset button. The reset button only works if we get into a deep sleep that allows all of our systems to reset and find homeostasis and harmony. We all know the great disruptors of sleep- alcohol, stress, some foods like sugar or acidic foods, poor sleep hygiene… try a good night’s sleep and watch your happiness meter soar.

3. Feel more Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations along with love.

Tuning into gratitude allows you to shift from “I have to do” to “I get to.” For example I could say, ” I have to cook dinner tonight” and it might feel like a chore. If I say instead, ” I get to cook dinner tonight” that shifts me into gratitude. Now I’m focusing on what I’m grateful for that allows me to cook dinner such as having enough money to purchase the food or having a home and a kitchen to cook it in. Being able to stand and carry out the physical requirements needed to cook etc. Next time you’re thinking that you “have” to do something try I “get” to do it!

4. Tell your loved ones that you love them

Tuning into love increases your vibration

Sharing your love with others brings love into your conscious awareness. Having love in your conscious awareness brings it into your experience. Experiencing love automatically raises your vibration. The higher your vibration the more joy and happiness one experiences.

5. Get off of Social Media

Or at least significantly reduce your screen time

Social media can be a trap. We’ve all experienced it. We log on to look up one thing and an hour later we’re hooked. The problem is that most of us on social end up comparing ourselves in one way or another. We either compare ourselves as better or as not enough. Either way it is a form of judgment. Studies show that social media can and does have a negative impact on happiness. This study has a bit of a twist focusing instead on how one uses social. If you can’t get off of social media altogether at least set a timer and reduce your screen time.

6. Reduce the amount of News that you watch or read

Watching or reading the News can increase stress

No one has to tell you that the news is almost entirely negative and highly sensationalized. Take Covid as one example. The media had most of the world scared to death. Unfortunately it seems that news is not newsworthy unless it is negative. The news is also often fear based meaning it can incite fear in those who watch it. Fear and negativity are surefire ways to lower your vibration and thus affect your happiness.

7. Get outside

Being in Nature can help you tune into connectedness

They don’t call her Mother Earth for no reason. Connecting with the consciousness of Mother Earth helps us tune into our very essence. Our bodies come from the earth and return to the earth when they die. We, like the earth, have an organic component forever joining us. Feeling connected or a part of something helps increase the happiness factor. This holds true for feeling connected to people, animals, nature or even your guides. We all have access to Mother nature. Get outside and connect with her.

8. Surround yourself with people who lift you up

Positive, supportive friends help you keep your vibe up

Have you ever noticed that being around certain people just doesn’t feel good? Unless we have very clear, healthy boundaries (which most of us don’t) other people’s stuff affects us. Whoever has the strongest vibration in the room whether that is a higher, more loving vibration or a lower, more negative vibration will have an affect on most of us. While it is very important to work on having a healthy boundary why not give yourself a head start and just keep company with those who vibe high?

9. Exercise

Just 15-20 minutes a day of exercise increases feel good hormones

Did you know that in some countries like Switzerland and Germany physicians prescribe exercise as a first line of treatment for depression? Can you imagine going to the doctor due to feeling depressed and are given a Rx to exercise instead of an antidepressant!? What a better world we would live in!

10. Stop Worrying

Doing the “What if” thing is a waste of your energy

Worrying about something not only has no positive effect on the outcome it actually is harmful to you because of the cascade of stress hormones that are released. Worry often involves rumination- a loop of thinking the same thoughts over and over. These thoughts are often filled with the” what if” syndrome- what if this happens or that happens. These thoughts are almost always fear based. When we repetitively think these thoughts we release stress hormones which of course increases our stress level. Here’s the kicker: most of the stuff that we worry about never even happens! Talk about a waste of time.


11. Have a spiritual practice

Make it your own- anything to connect you to something higher

A spiritual practice is not the same thing as a religious practice although it could be. A spiritual practice is anything that you want it to be that aligns you with your higher self (that part of you that is connected to your soul). It could be a walk in nature, reading a self- growth blog , working with divination cards- anything that raises your vibration and helps you remember your true soul essence.

12. Eat foods that your body wants

This is not the same thing as eating foods that the ego wants.

Every body is different and therefore each body performs best with different foods. There is absolutely no one diet that works for everybody. Some bodies might want to eat a vegetarian diet while others might like meat. Probably no body wants to eat a twinkie but that’s a no brainer. What does food have to do with happiness? When you have a loving, respectful relationship with your body you advance in your evolution. Think of a time that you listened to your body and gave it what it wanted. Didn’t that feel good? Think of another time that you didn’t give it what it wanted. How did that feel? Feeling good about feeding our bodies makes us just feel good.

13. Engage in leisure

Studies show that people who take time out for leisure are happier.

Stop and smell the roses. What is it that you love to do? Read a romance novel? Sit and stare at the birds out the window? Go for a walk? We are so programmed in this patriarchal society to be productive and accomplish that we forget that relaxing is just as important. Doing something just because we enjoy it is good for the soul and lowers stress hormones. We ARE taught to take a break if something is overwhelming us. Walk away. We don’t have to wait until we become overwhelmed. Schedule in some leisure time and see how that brightens your day.



14. Create a healthy relationship between your body and mind

The body is your ride in this lifetime.

According to Matt Kahn our bodies are the part of us that are on the spiritual path. I say that all parts of us are on the path- our bodies, our lower self and our ego. In this case when I refer to mind I am speaking about ego and the lower self. Similar to number 12. Eat foods that the body wants, we want to listen to our bodies. Sometimes they need to exercise. Sometimes they need to rest. We so often just ignore our bodies’ messages. Our bodies are always talking to us, providing us with necessary feedback. Take the time to listen to what your body is telling you.


15. Practice Forgiveness

Having a resentment only hurts YOU

When we hold on to a resentment the only person affected is us. The other person is often not even aware that we have a resentment. Practicing forgiveness is about us, not the other person. We are the ones feeling the anger or hurt. We are the ones whose nervous systems are being affected by stress hormones. Forgiving another frees us and in turn frees them. Practicing forgiveness often also releases the karmic lesson that we were working on. And don’t forget the most important person to forgive-YOU!

16. Listen to high vibe music

Music has a way of soothing the soul

I’m sure that you’ve noticed the effect that music has on you. Think about a time when you were down in the dumps and put on sad music and you became even more depressed. The reverse is true as well. We can listen to happy music and start to feel better. Masaru Emoto was a Japanese scientist who studied how different vibrations affected water. Various musical genres were among the vibrations that he studied. He found that “high vibe” music such as classical has a positive affect on water. Our bodies are made of mostly water so the music that we listen to affects our bodies and therefore affects our minds.

17. Drink less alcohol

Alcohol is a depressant

For many of us we feel happy when we drink alcohol but alcohol actually acts as a depressant in the body. This means that the after effects of alcohol can actually increase stress and anxiety. Alcohol is also a toxin and stresses our liver not to mention that it is highly addictive and has a strong potential for abuse. Personally I love wine and drink it most days. I love how I can sip a glass of wine and immediately bring onboard more of that feminine, magnetic energy that just helps me to chill out and relax. It’s a slippery slope for me: however, because just a smidge too much and my sleep is disturbed and the next day is ruined. When it comes to alcohol less is better.


18. Be Nice

You catch more flies with honey.

Being nice raises our vibration. Gratitude and love are among the highest vibrations and joy is right up there as well. So being nice even if we don’t feel like it helps us get closer to joy. Think about a time when you were in a bad mood and you were nice to that person at the grocery store anyway. Remember how you felt better? This is kind of like fake it till you make it mentality. So next time you are in a bad mood be nice and see what happens!


19. Get a Pet

Any pet

Studies show that people with pets are happier and receive many other health benefits as well. The animals have come to earth to assist us with our evolution. They are some of our greatest teachers and supporters. They can teach us about unconditional love. They can teach us about presence and being in the moment. Our pets are attuned to our energy systems which is why they are so responsive to us. Obviously cats and dogs are the most popular pets but others are fast coming on the scene. Think Wilbur!

20. Choose to be Happy

Yep, I said it- happiness is a choice!

No matter what is going on our lives we choose what we are thinking (this does not apply to severe mental health challenges involving psychosis). What we think determines how we feel. So if we get to choose our thoughts then by default we get to choose how we feel. I’m not saying that it is easy to choose happy thoughts during challenging times. When cancer is front and center in my life it is certainly more of a challenge to choose high vibe thoughts. It is; however, ultimately a choice. I love this teaching because it empowers us- we are in charge of how we feel. No one else.

21. Watch a funny movie or tv show

Laughter is good medicine.

Laughing is good for the soul. There is such a thing as laughter therapy. I’ve done it. You know at one of those workshops and you walk in a circle and start fake laughing. It’s awkward and weird and it works! But you don’t have to go to a workshop to put laughter to use for you. Just put on a comedy or funny videos (I roar at bloopers) and let the laughter begin!

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