
I am a licensed psychotherapist in the state of Virginia. I am only licensed to practice therapy in Virginia. I have many clients who live outside of Virginia and for them I serve in the role of consultant. 

The insights and information that I share with you are for educational purposes only and are not meant to replace the advice from a therapist licensed in your state.

Helping HSP’s discover their superpower that is born out of their sensitivity is my passion. Not all sensitivities are the same or level of sensitivity. Sensitivity is on a spectrum. Therefore each highly sensitive person has a unique superpower. Unearthing your superpower is my specialty.

Embracing your superpower is how you will be able to love yourself and manifest your dreams.

You will become more aware of what drives you -what fuels your thoughts that you think, the feelings that you feel and the actions that you take.

Discovering what limits you and then transforming your limitations is the key. Underneath it all is usually a belief system that minimizes you in some way, that stands in the way of your own brilliance and frankly isn’t true.

Let me help you uncover who you really are- magnificent!

Are you ready to create a little magic in your life? I use my finely tuned intuition with a laser-like focus to cut directly to the heart of the issue. This ability is responsible for extremely effective results with my clients and in a short amount of time.

Twenty years of deep, spiritual and transformative work combined with twenty years of professional experience have shaped the kind of conscious mentor that I am: compassionate, non-judgmental, direct and insightful with healthy boundaries. Not to mention that I am at the end of the spectrum of super high sensitivity.

My consulting hours are limited; however, I still do some 1:1 sessions for limited time. I am devoting my energy to my YouTube channel and developing my online courses.

If you desire 1:1 please take advantage now while it is still available. I work with motivated, conscious highly sensitive women. Sessions are dynamic, interactive and based on your needs. 

Contact me at for a free consult to see if we are a good fit.



We are all addicted to something; whether it's drugs or alcohol, sugar or negative emotions to name a few. It doesn't really matter what we are addicted to. What matters is that we find the underlying cause. Many highly sensitive persons self medicate and numb their sensitivities because they don't have the tools to manage them. In addition to numbing sensitivities we also find some form of not- enoughness that fuels our desire to escape painful feelings. I can help you navigate what challenges arise without falling into the trap of addiction.


To be in relationship with another is part of being a human. Relationships are also the most challenging area in our lives for most of us. For the highly sensitive person it is imperative that the people with whom we are the closest "get us" or at the very least allow us to be us without shaming or judging us. Being able to communicate our needs and to stand in our power in regards to our needs is essential for a healthy relationship. Relationships show us our strengths and our areas for growth. Assisting you with discovering both is another one of my superpowers. We can not change another, only ourselves which is actually quite empowering.

Spirituality and consciousness

Spirituality is the foundation from which I work. This foundation is not based on religion but rather universal laws. Did you know that high levels of sensitivity are a prerequisite for your own evolution? Yep! As you learn the deeper message about your sensitivities you automatically increase your self awareness and raise your level of consciousness. I'd love to help you discover your own unique spiritual blueprint and journey with you on your path to enlightenment.

                 What People are Saying…..


” I had a fear of airports, airplanes and most definitely flying. Even being in an airport I felt sick and the need to leave immediately. I had felt this way for as long as I can remember. I had a very short time to deal with my issue because my niece was very ill and lived across the country. I met Ashton and felt very comfortable and safe. Her methods seemed different than anything that I had experienced or had read. Thanks to Ashton in just a few sessions I was able to conquer my fear and be powerful. After my last visit I knew that I would be alright.
Of course the real proof was leading up to my trip. I was calm before the flight, slept well days before and had no problems entering the airport. As I entered the plane I knew if I hadn’t seen Ashton I would have turned and run. Ashton gave me all the tools I needed to ( I can’t believe I’m saying this) enjoy flying! Guess what, I got on the second plane with not an ounce of nervousness. IT WAS GREAT. I could never convey how much it means to me that Ashton helped me. I was able to see my family before it was too late. She passed away shortly after my visit. I am so thankful that I don’t have to live with regrets. “


” I found Ashton on a google search although it was not for me but for my daughter. Little did I know that a life changing event would cause me to seek her out for myself. Over the past seven plus years I have changed dramatically, and I attribute that to the guidance of Ashton. Her sessions teach me that there truly is another way to look at things other than what are your learned thoughts and behaviors. The worth of each and every session is actually invaluable! The hard to get 1:1 one on one meetings go by very fast and leave you feeling lighter and happier than when you arrived. “


” Working with Ashton has been life changing in ways that I never imagined. She guided me through the process of discovering things about myself that helped me make positive changes in my life as well as cope with difficult situations. My consciousness is continually rising and I don’t plan to stop. “


” I have more awareness, tools, acceptance and most important – way more self-love than I have ever had in my life. I hear Ashton’s phrases in her graceful honest demeanor. I’m grateful for Ashton. I get up faster now when I fall.”


” Ashton is more than just a coach, she possesses the knowledge that one can only gain from experience and constant growth and learning. She has the ability to reach down into the depths of you and pull out unconscious thoughts , patterns and beliefs we have that hold us back and can then help you work through them. Some of these patterns, I was not even consciously aware of myself , but they made complete sense. She does more that just give you the guidelines for self improvement , she realizes the limiting areas of one self, and helps you rewrite the story. I leave each session with a better understanding of myself, and tools I can use to continue on my journey. I believe everyone should give themselves the time to work with a coach to help improve their overall well-being. Ashton has been a great mentor in my personal life as well as business life and I highly recommend working with her. “

HSP- Wanna live a life you love?

Every two weeks or so I send FREE tips to help with anxiety, overwhelm and basically anything else that would help an HSP live a life they love.